
Phester here, reporting in for the final time. I’ve greatly enjoyed my stay with the humble arakkoa and it saddens me to say farewell. There’s just a couple loose ends to tie up and then I’ll be on my way.


I began by speaking with Reshad once again. He had one more Terokk legend to tell.


So I approached the Terokk effigy once again, and Reshad began to spin the tale.


“The Talon King’s own sages betrayed him. Terokk and his allies were cast into the pools.”

“As he withered, Terokk had but one concern: his daughter Lithic.”


Not only was Terokk’s wings rapidly decaying at this point, but his daughter also lay dead before him. It would take an incredible will to survive this moment.


“Seeing her broken body, Terokk despaired. He surrendered to the creeping darkness.”

“But in that darkness, something found him.”

“A strange power filled the Talon King. A presence urged him on.”


“Wretches driven mad by the curse thrashed about in the pools in agony. But Terokk set them free.”

“The strongest of his guards clung to sanity. And when the Talon King called, they answered.”


“A strange orb peeked out from the wastes. Gazing into it, Terokk met the being that had saved him.”

“The Raven God Anzu gifted Terokk and his guards with dark powers. In time, they would be known as Talonpriests.”

“Together they would build Skettis, and protect the unwanted children of Rukhmar.”


And with that, I was to confront Terokk himself.


Further into the battle, Terokk shifted into a shade of his former self.


Once defeated, he was willing to cooperate with us. In fact, he seemed very eager to help.


Our powers were combined and we set out to destroy the shattered hand presence in the area.


The adherent’s wings in combat are quite the sight to behold.


This was a special moment. There isn’t a higher honor I can think of among arakkoa than to be blessed by Terokk himself.


Terokk’s shade still remains in Veil Terokk. After we were finished conversing, I set my eyes to Skyreach. Here are some of my observations around the outside of the stronghold.


Such beauty and grandeur, put to such an evil purpose. What a shame…

Time to head inside.


There isn’t too much to say as I began to carve my way into the heart of the adherent’s seat of power.


This was quite the sight. The inside of Skyreach is incredible.


This is really something. It’d be incredible to live here as an adherent. Flying in and out of the stronghold, researching incredible technology and creating wonders unheard of. Imagine the good they could’ve done if they decided to show compassion to the world instead of evil.


Judging by everyone’s actions, it seems like Rukhmar has wholly abandoned the adherents and arakkoa alike. She was never considered evil in the lore, so her backing the adherent’s actions doesn’t make any sense, and she must have been too disgusted by Sethe’s curse to help Anzu or the arakkoa. Who knows where she went.


With the High Sage’s defeat, hopefully things will get better for everyone.


That concludes my adventure in the Spires of Arak. It’s been a great time, and I’m sorry to head off. There wasn’t too much to say this time. Most of the story had already been revealed. So long!

A few extra notes:

Shadow-Sage Iskar eventually engages with a dark bargain with Gul’dan in order to reverse the Sethe curse. You can engage him in combat within the Hellfire Citadel.

I managed to find some extra lore regarding the arakkoa, but I haven’t given it a read yet. You can find it on Warcraft’s official website here:


  1. The most detailed story of a zone I ever read. Extra nice, as I guess it’s a zone some people even miss. When I levelled alts in Draenor, I hardly got there before it was time to go to Legion content.
    On a not so serious note, there is so much solar in Skyreach, I almost expected Al Gore to be the last boss πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Awww no, for the final time *sniffles*.

    Thank you so much for starting your blog and for sharing your adventure with us with so much depth, and with all the marvellous screenshots.

    Not many people look up when gaming, so this one is particular remarkable!

    And n’awww, I feel like I know Phester by now. So much expression πŸ™‚

    That zone has a lot to offer, really. I have never quested there, and prefer to stay spoiler free but not this time around; I have enjoyed your storytelling a lot πŸ™‚ You made the Arakkoa come alive a lot too.

    Here’s hoping you’ll be back πŸ™‚ Just a screenie once in a while I’d love πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

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